advertise with us in the playbills

Place an Ad

Your ad will appear in all the playbills for the season for 1 low price. A 10% discount is offered if the ad is paid for by July 1st.
Full Page: $950 black & white; $1,300 color (4.5” x 7.5”)
Half Page: $650 horizontal black & white; $900 color (4.5” x 3.6875”)
Quarter Page: $450 black & white; $650 color (2.1875” x 3.6875”)

For 2024 - ads are due by May 1st.

Sponsor a show or the season!

Your logo and/or name on all print ads and articles, logo/name shown on the front cover of the show’s program and announced from the stage before all shows. Individuals and Businesses welcome.  

2024 Season Sponsorship - $5,000: Includes the above, plus the following wording along with your logo: Season sponsored in part by <your company>. This will be on the cover and title page in all of the programs for the season (May-December). 

Children’s Theatre Sponsorship: $150.00/week or $1,000 for the season. Most shows run twice during the summer. Musicals this season include: Snow White, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz, and new this year Frozen, Jr.

For more information contact: Mary Beth at 609-492-9477, 203 or